First Impression On Wuthering Waves

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3 min read

Wuthering Waves is a game that has been on my radar for a while now. I have been following the development of this game for a while now and I am excited to finally get my hands on it. I have been a fan of the developer's previous work and I have high hopes for this game.

It has been just over 3 days since the release of Wuthering Waves, and I’m here to give my review on the game. To get straight to the point, I would give Wuthering Waves an optimistic 8/10. There are definitely issues with the game, but it does have a strong foundation that can build into something special. Let’s dive into some categories like combat, story, and exploration.


The combat in Wuthering Waves is fast-paced and fluid. The game has a combo system that allows you to chain together different attacks to create devastating combos. The combat is challenging and requires you to think on your feet. The game also has a variety of different weapons that you can use, each with their own unique playstyle. The combat is definitely one of the highlights of the game.


The story in Wuthering Waves is intriguing and keeps you engaged throughout the game. The game has a rich lore that is slowly revealed to you as you progress through the game. The characters are well-written and have their own unique personalities. The story is definitely one of the strong points of the game.


The world of Wuthering Waves is vast and beautiful. The game has a day and night cycle that affects the world around you. The game also has a weather system that can change the environment around you. The game encourages exploration and rewards you for exploring the world. There are hidden secrets and treasures scattered throughout the world that you can find.


There has been some controversy surrounding the game. Some players have complained about the game being too difficult, while others have complained about the game being too easy. Some players have also complained about the game being too short, while others have complained about the game being too long. Overall, I think that the controversy surrounding the game is overblown. The game has its issues, but it is still a solid experience.

In conclusion, Wuthering Waves is a solid game that has the potential to be something special. The combat is fast-paced and fluid, the story is intriguing, and the world is vast and beautiful. The game has its issues, but it is still a solid experience. I would recommend Wuthering Waves to anyone who is a fan of action RPGs. I am excited to see what the future holds for this game.

"Wuthering Waves is a solid game that has the potential to be something special."